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  • #1362989

    Dear Team,
    I am speriencing a resolution image again with my logo, on the email page of my woocommerce. Can this be solved through the Enfold theme like all other images ? I know last time it was a problem of theme update but now it doesn’t seem to be a new version, so far I know.
    Thank you in advance for your help


    Hi HulaSlim,

    Can you give us temporary admin access? so we can view the link you gave.

    Best regards,

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    Hi HulaSlim,

    I tried the credentials you gave and it gives this error: ERROR: Incorrect Username or Password, please check.

    Best regards,

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    Hi Natacha,

    Thanks, the first one works, however if I click the link you gave it just shows an white page with this text Security Check , can you guide us where to go next?

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    I don’t know that you’re talking about. Security check… what does it ask you ?



    Thanks for the update. I’m seeing the same thing as Nikko, this appears after logging in:

    Best regards,

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    Thanks for the update. I’m still getting the error message though, could you link to a regular page instead please? If you have a screenshot highlighting the problem, then please share that with us as well.

    Best regards,

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    Thanks for that, but I’m still getting the same error message. Please post a link to the actual page instead, so that we can check the problem for you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Please find below the url. The place of setting is Woocommerce/settings/mail
    Thank you



    Thanks for the update and clarfication. So it’s the page in private you are having problems on? And it’s the file in private which are causing you problems? I don’t think this problem is theme related, but I’m also not sure exactly what you are seeing on your end. Would you be able to provide us with a screenshot of the problem, and let us know exactly how to reproduce it please?

    Best regards,


    Dear Rikard,
    I will give up this problem. The resolution is not that bad compared to the complication it is causing to try and solve it. Let’s close the issue.
    Thank you for committing and best regads,



    Thanks for the update. I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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