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  • #1326767

    I’ve just updated to Enfodl 4.8.7 and the bug that I’ve reported earlier is back again:

    PHP Version: 8.0.11


    Really strange thing is, it looks like it’s the other way around now.

    The themes default on line 311 is:

    $prof_desc = sprintf( __( 'If you added Social Profile Links at %s Social Profiles Tab %s the theme allows you to display these profile links at the bottom of your blog posts.', 'avia_framework' ), '<a href="#goto_social" target="_blank">', '</a>' );

    But when I change it back to what caused the bug in the earlier version it is working now:

    $prof_desc = sprintf( __( 'If you added Social Profile Links at %sSocial Profiles Tab%s the theme allows you to display these profile links at the bottom of your blog posts.', 'avia_framework' ), '<a href="#goto_social" target="_blank">', '</a>' );

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by ceesenco.

    i can not reproduce that – i got no errors on console log file:



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We cannot reproduce the issue on our end. The local site is running on PHP 8.0.11. We also tried the latest stable version 8.0.12. Do you have a staging version of the site, or a site hosted on a different server?

    Best regards,

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