I’ve just updated to Enfodl 4.8.7 and the bug that I’ve reported earlier is back again: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/uncaught-valueerror-unknown-format-specifier-s-enfold-4-8-6-3-php-8/
PHP Version: 8.0.11
Really strange thing is, it looks like it’s the other way around now.
The themes default on line 311 is:
$prof_desc = sprintf( __( 'If you added Social Profile Links at %s Social Profiles Tab %s the theme allows you to display these profile links at the bottom of your blog posts.', 'avia_framework' ), '<a href="#goto_social" target="_blank">', '</a>' );
But when I change it back to what caused the bug in the earlier version it is working now:
$prof_desc = sprintf( __( 'If you added Social Profile Links at %sSocial Profiles Tab%s the theme allows you to display these profile links at the bottom of your blog posts.', 'avia_framework' ), '<a href="#goto_social" target="_blank">', '</a>' );