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  • #1206400


    My first question is about unavailable products.
    Here is a screenshot of one of my product pages when the product is available:
    And now this is what customers can see on product page when the product is unavailable:
    I would like to remove the text “Ce produit est actuellement en rupture et indisponible.” and its border and replace it by my own text, red colored, at the same place and the same font size than product prices (in green in the first screenshot).
    What do I need to do to achieve this?

    My second question is about variable products.
    Here is a screenshot of one of my product pages for a regular product:
    (on product pages, I added some css to adjust paddings and to make product counter and add to cart button a little bit smaller)
    Here is a screenshot of one of my product pages for a variable product:
    As you can see, elements are moved… add to cart button is bigger… and so on…
    What I would like to do is keeping exactly the same design than for a regular product, and only add “Couleur” and options scrolling menu between product price and product counter.
    What do I need to do to achieve that?

    If needed, you can find a link and credentials to my website in private content.

    Thanks a lot for your help!


    Any help on this?
    Thanks a lot!



    Sorry for the late response.

    1.) Can you give us a link to a product that is unavailable? Are you referring to a product that is out of stock?

    2.) There are no product attributes available in your installation. How did you create variations for aproduct if there are no attributes?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your reply.

    1) In private the link to the page of a product that is out of stock, exactly! I finally changed my mind and the design of it is ok for me, I’m sorry.
    I added some CSS to define “Out of stock” text color to red, but if the product is “Available on backorder”, the text is red too but I would need it to be orange. I also would need to hide the product counter and the “Add to cart” button, when product is “Available on backorder”.
    How could I do this?
    Moreover, I would need to modify “Read more” (on catalogue pages when product is out of stock), “Out of stock” and “Available on backorder” (both on product pages) texts.
    What do I need to add to achieve this?

    2) For my shop, attributes are always different. So I applied them directly in the Edit Product page of each product, this is maybe the reason why there is no attribute on the Attributes page. Is it a problem if I proceed like this???
    In private the link to an actual variable product page and an exact mockup of what I would need to achieve. In fact the same design as a simple product page, only with the option selector between price and “Add to cart” button.
    If it could help, I already added some CSS to adjust product counter and “Add to cart” button on simple products:

    .single-product-summary form.cart {padding-top: 14px !important;}
    #top div.single-product-summary .quantity, #top div.single-product-summary .quantity input.minus,#top div.single-product-summary .quantity input.qty {
    	line-height: 10px !important;
    	width: 33px !important;
    	height: 33px !important;
    	margin-bottom: -10px !important;
    #top div.single-product-summary button[name=add-to-cart] {padding: 10.4px !important;}
    div.single-product-summary form.cart div.quantity {min-width: 50px !important;}

    Maybe it would only need to add a tiny piece of code to apply it to all pages of all types of products…

    Thanks a lot!!


    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the login, I see for the “out of stock” text color you are using this css:

    div.product p.stock {color: red; font-size: 13px;}

    Please try this instead:

    #top.single-product p.stock.out-of-stock {color: red; font-size: 13px;}
    #top.single-product p.stock.available-on-backorder {color: orange; font-size: 13px;}

    After applying the css, Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your reply.

    1) Your code works great! Thanks a lot!
    Now how could I hide the product counter and the “Add to cart” button when product is “Available on backorder”?
    And how could I modify “Read more” (on catalogue pages when product is out of stock), “Out of stock” and “Available on backorder” (both on product pages) texts?

    2) Also, could you please help me with the second part of my previous message?

    Thanks a lot!


    To hide the product counter and the “Add to cart” button when the product is “Available on backorder” Please try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field:

    #top.single-product .single-product-summary p.stock.available-on-backorder + form.cart {
    	display: none !important;

    After applying the css, Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    1) Your code works perfectly. Thanks a lot!
    Now how could I modify “Read more” (on catalogue pages when product is out of stock), “Out of stock” and “Available on backorder” (both on product pages) texts?

    2) On the other hand, I would like to adjust design of my variable products pages.
    In private the link to an actual variable product page and an exact mockup of what I would need to achieve. In fact the same design as a simple product page, only with the option selector between price and “Add to cart” button.
    What do I need to achieve this?

    Thanks a lot!


    1) I believe you mean that on a page like in the Private Content area you want the “Voir les détails” to say something else when a product is out of stock.
    Unfortunately, the items do not show a stock status on this page so we can’t change what the button says, but I did find this article: Hide loop read more buttons for out of stock items which is a function to hide the button which might also be a good option.
    2) The difference between your screenshot and the page seems to be that the variation drop down is no wider than your purchase button, is this what you meant?
    If so please try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field:

    div form.cart table.variations {
        width: 50% !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your reply.

    1) I added the function for out of stock products that you mentioned in your last message.
    It works great but it only would need some CSS adjustments: on shop page, I would like to hide the small line and center the remaining button (see mockup:
    The other texts I need to modify are on the product page itself (see screenshots: and
    Which functions do I need to add to modify those texts?

    2) There were more differences between my actual page and the mockup, but I added some code to yours and I’m now really close to achieve what I want to.
    Here is now my page for variable products:
    The last thing I need to do is making the “Add to cart” button size the same as on a single product page:
    For information, I already added some CSS to modify product counter and “Add to cart” button on single product pages.
    Maybe adding one tiny piece of code to this one could be enough to apply it to variable products pages too…

    .single-product-summary form.cart {padding-top: 14px !important;}
    #top div.single-product-summary .quantity, #top div.single-product-summary .quantity input.minus,#top div.single-product-summary .quantity input.qty {
    	line-height: 10px !important;
    	width: 33px !important;
    	height: 33px !important;
    	margin-bottom: -10px !important;
    #top div.single-product-summary button[name=add-to-cart] {padding: 10.4px !important;}
    div.single-product-summary form.cart div.quantity {min-width: 50px !important;}

    Thanks a lot!


    1) Please try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field:

    .product.outofstock .show_details_button {
    	width: 100% !important;
    .product.outofstock .button-mini-delimiter {
    	display: none !important;

    To change the “out of stock” & “backorder” text I added this function in your child theme functions.php

    add_filter('woocommerce_get_availability', 'availability_filter_func');
    function availability_filter_func($availability)
    $availability['availability'] = str_ireplace('Rupture de stock', 'Coming Soon!', $availability['availability']);
    $availability['availability'] = str_ireplace('Disponible sur commande', 'Backorder Now!', $availability['availability']);
    return $availability;

    Just adjust the Coming Soon! & Backorder Now! text in the code to suit.
    Please check both of these solutions.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Both solutions works like a charm.
    Thanks a lot!

    Could you please help me on the second part:
    2) There were more differences between my actual page and the mockup, but I added some code to yours and I’m now really close to achieve what I want to.
    Here is now my page for variable products:
    The last thing I need to do is making the “Add to cart” button size the same as on a single product page:
    For information, I already added some CSS to modify product counter and “Add to cart” button on single product pages.
    Maybe adding one tiny piece of code to this one could be enough to apply it to variable products pages too…

    .single-product-summary form.cart {padding-top: 14px !important;}
    #top div.single-product-summary .quantity, #top div.single-product-summary .quantity input.minus,#top div.single-product-summary .quantity input.qty {
    	line-height: 10px !important;
    	width: 33px !important;
    	height: 33px !important;
    	margin-bottom: -10px !important;
    #top div.single-product-summary button[name=add-to-cart] {padding: 10.4px !important;}
    div.single-product-summary form.cart div.quantity {min-width: 50px !important;}

    Thanks a lot!


    Your site seems to be down right now, please let us know when it is back up.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I’m sorry I don’t know what happened..
    Everything seems to be ok now.
    Could you please try again?



    Thanks, it’s still down for me, I also tried using a VPN with a french IP address but it didn’t work.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I’m really sorry!
    I worked on my website all the day and I didn’t notice any problem.
    So I don’t know what happen and I absolutely don’t know what to do to solve this :-(

    I only tried to create a new user.
    You can find new credentials in private content.
    Could you please try to access my website with them?
    If it still doesn’t work, I have no idea of what else to do, so I’ll have to wait some days and I will come back to you later to try the access.

    Let me know.
    Thanks a lot and sorry again.

    Best regards


    Thank you, so to correct your variations add to cart button please try this css:

    #top .single_add_to_cart_button.wc-variation-selection-needed {
        padding: 10.4px !important;
    .woocommerce-variation-add-to-cart.variations_button.woocommerce-variation-add-to-cart-disabled {
    	width: 95%;
        margin: auto;
    .single_variation_wrap {
    	margin: auto;

    After applying the css, Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,

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