Tagged: enfold bug, enfold issue
Hello Guys,
I am unable to edit the content on pages in admin – http://prntscr.com/kw62fv
Hey almondmike_a,
I fixed it. You’ve too many tags and your server can’t query them all from the database. I now excluded the post tags taxonomy from the selection list by adding this code to your child theme:
add_filter('avia_public_taxonomies', 'avia_remove_resource_intensive_tax',10, 1);
function avia_remove_resource_intensive_tax($taxonomies)
foreach($taxonomies as $post_type => $taxs)
foreach($taxs as $key => $data)
if($data == 'post_tag') unset($taxonomies[$post_type][$key]);
return $taxonomies;
and now the blog element works as expected.
Best regards,
Hi Dude,
Thanks for your solution. Its working fine
Thanks for great support!
Glad I could help you :)
Best regards,