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  • #469261

    yesterday I could log onto my website but got error messages when trying to either edit a page or access the dashboard

    I contacted my host and received this reply. (I am using Enfold 3.1.5 but when I have tried to update it says I have the latest version)

    “Thank you for getting in touch with us about WordPress. I have seen other customers reporting this issue and all seem to be using

    the following theme – enfold.

    If I rename the theme enfold_old in the wp-content/themes folder I can login here without issue:

    so I would recommend contacting the theme author to discuss as the theme my require updating. Renaming the theme back to enfold will restore the website theme but will also most likely prevent access to the dashboard again so the theme seems to be the issue and I would recommend contacting the theme author”

    can you help me


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by StaffordRC.

    Hey StaffordRC!

    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Done that Rikard

    today I have reactivated the Theme and it seems to be working ok again but not sure for how long
    or what the problem was initially

    so would appreciate it if you could take look and advise me



    I can’t see anything wrong in the backend, but you are running an old version of the theme. Latest version is 3.2.2.

    Best regards,


    Ok Rikard

    thanks for looking

    I will update the theme ASAP

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