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  • #1451976

    I’m trying to use default text styles to make it the easiest on my Enfold webpage. The texts on mobile and tablet get very narrow, centered and long, impossible to read. I have a few options on the webpage now, just to test (text columns, masonry, icon flipbox) but everything comes out alike.
    What is wrong?

    Thank you.
    My best,


    Hey Aleksandra,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Have you tried selecting a different font? You can adjust this in the Enfold > General Styling > Fonts tab. You can also modify the default content font size for various screen sizes in the Typography tab.

    Best regards,


    thank you for your answer.
    Could you please have a look at the webpage? I don’t understand why the text is so narrow and always arranged on the middle axis. Is it possible that your default setup doesn’t provide automatic text adjustment to different devices and you have to do everything, text by text yourself?
    My best regards,



    Sorry for the late response. The site seems to be rendering correctly when we checked on a mobile emulation (see private field). Would you mind providing a screenshot of the issue? You can use platforms like Savvyify, Imgur or Dropbox to upload and share the screenshot. Here are the steps to follow:

    1.) Visit the website of your chosen platform, such as Savvyify, Imgur or Dropbox.
    2.) Locate the option to upload a file or an image.
    3.) Select the screenshot file from your computer or device and upload it to the platform.
    4.) After the upload is complete, you will be provided with a shareable link or an embed code.
    5.) Copy the link or code and include it in your message or response to provide us with the screenshot.

    Thank you for taking the time to share the screenshot. It will help us better understand the issue you’re facing and provide appropriate assistance.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your reply. Here is the link with some screenshots.
    My concern:
    – very narrow columns
    – some elements completely unreadable – I guess Icon list and Icon circle can’t have longer texts (if the with of columns and sizes of texts adjusted automatically, I’d resign from Icon list/circle, no that important).
    I’d appreciate your help and opinion on why it doesn’t correspond to the size of the screen.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the info.

    The columns are narrow because of the custom padding, which is currently set to 100px on all sides. To fix this, go to the column’s Layout > Padding > Inner Padding and set a different padding for mobile view. This should also resolve the layout issues for other elements.

    Best regards,


    thank you for your reply. I will try that.
    Best regards,


    thanks for the tip. It led me to look for solutions around it. We can close that now.
    Best regards



    Thanks for the update, we’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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