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  • #1195079

    finally i got it to work to get to Lightboxes on the same page to work, there is only one thing i cant get to work.

    i waant to display only one thumpnail for every lightbox, i gave the first image element the first class an than set it with css to display none.
    that work fine if there is only one lightbox but when i have to the second one will not be displayed because there is no fist set.

    here is my code, may someone can help me fix this:

    <div class="bilderbox">
    	<div class="topogal">
    		<div class="detailitemheader">
    		<div class="detailitem topoimg">
    			<ul class="topogals">
    				<div class="avia-gallery">
    				[each topobilder]
    					<li class="topo [once]first[/once] ">
    						<a href="{@_src.full}" data-lightbox="T (Email address hidden if logged out) }" class="lbimg " title="Topobilder: {@bergname} - {@routenname}" rel="Topobilder">
    							<img data-lightbox="Topobilder" src="{@_src}" class="lbimg [once]firstimg[/once]" />	
    	<div class="picgal">
    		<div class="detailitemheader">
    		<div id="galbox" class="detailitem galerie">
    			<ul class="picgals">
    				<div class="avia-gallery">
    				[each bildergalerie]
    					<li class="gal [once]first[/once]">
    						<a href="{@_src.full}" data-lightbox="Tourenbilder  (Email address hidden if logged out) }" class="lbimg " title="Bildergalerie: {@bergname} - {@routenname}" rel="Tourenbilder">
    							<img data-lightbox="Tourenbilder  (Email address hidden if logged out) }" src="{@_src}" class="lbimg [once]firstimg[/once]" />	

    css file:
    .galerie ul li.first{
    .galerie ul li{
    .topoimg ul li.first{
    .topoimg ul li {

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by traillight.

    Hey traillight,

    Unfortunately, it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However, if it’s really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    Im disappointed, are there only robots answering questions? Never saw an other answer than this! (stupid default answer!)
    There is no customization of the theme needet only some css skills that i dont have.
    I bet if someone who know css look at my code it sould be 5 mins tho fix it.

    Great support from professional Webdesigners!


    Hi traillight,

    We are here to help you with the issues with the theme, not fix the custom code written by customers. It is not just a css issue, it’s JavaScript and css.

    Here is our support policy
    Best regards,


    Great, than say that and dont bring this stupid message all the time!
    Just delete my qestion because it dont belong to the theme.



    Thanks for the update, I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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