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  • #1413840

    Hello, I’m encountering two issues in BBPress that we’ve determined are Enfold related:

    1. How do I add a custom menu to bbpress pages? I created a new menu location called bbpress and registered it in functions.php file. What is the code I add in the header.php to get it to replace the primary menu

    2. Avia builder does not load when creating/editing any forums or topics created by bbpress.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by dbtpath.

    Hey dbtpath,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    1.) The wp_nav_menu function, responsible for rendering the menu, can be found in the includes > helper-main-menu.php file. If you want to place the custom menu, you can do so in that specific file.

    2.) Unfortunately, the Advance Layout Builder is disabled for forum or topic post types. You can only use the default editor.

    Best regards,


    Ok thank you. I am guessing that I am to create an override file of helper-main-menu.php file in the child theme?


    I created the override file of helper-main-menu.php file in the child theme. I have tried coding this in multiple ways but it’s not working. It either shows both menus or no menu at all.

    Can you please provide the code that I need to place the custom menu on the forum pages? I did just pay to renew support so a little more direction would be greatly appreciated.

    This wouldn’t be needed if the Advance Layout Builder wasn’t disabled for forum or topic post types.



    Thank you for the update.

    We tried logging in to the site, but the password for the user above is invalid. Please check the account details or provide another admin account.

    To add your own custom menu, you have to modify the parameters of the wp_nav_menu function around line 214, or add your own custom menu wrapped in conditional functions for forum pages.

    $args = array(
    										'theme_location'	=> $avia_theme_location,
    										'menu_id' 			=> $avia_menu_class,
    										'menu_class'		=> 'menu av-main-nav',
    										'container_class'	=> $avia_menu_class.' av-main-nav-wrap'.$icon_beside,
    										'items_wrap'        => '
    <ul role="menu" class="%2$s" id="%1$s">%3$s</ul>
    										'fallback_cb' 		=> 'avia_fallback_menu',
    										'echo' 				=>	false,
    										'walker' 			=> new avia_responsive_mega_menu()
    						        $wp_main_nav = wp_nav_menu( $args );

    Please check the documentation below for more info.

    // https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_nav_menu/
    // https://codex.bbpress.org/bbpress-conditional-tags/

    Best regards,

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