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  • #223069

    Hi —
    Great job on support for this theme. You guys are doing are really doing a great job!

    I have a few questions on how to adjust the images in the portfolio.
    I’m pretty close to what I want but can’t figure out the fine tuning questions.

    1. For portrait images, I would like the image to center within the div section for that box on the portfolio page. (I’m basically just using the 4-column version)
    — I modified the css for the image within this area to be : .grid-image img {height:230px; display: block;}
    — but I can’t figure out how to get the image centered within the individual image cell,
    — Also, if I increase the page zoom in a desktop browser, the static height of 230px makes landscape images distorted. What css would I use to have the images maintain their aspect ratio?


    • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by tekpal.

    I wanted to add: I actually don’t think the height:230px is the best setting to get this to do what I want… but I’m not sure what would be a better / more “correct” way to do it…



    Can you please give us a link to the actual portfolio page? How did you end up with that thumbnail? It should be resize to occupy the space of the grid container.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    That isn’t currently doable with how the theme uses images in galleries at the moment. What users will typically do is add in images to a standard sized canvas and center them there so the image uploaded and uses has the image already centered.

    As long as you use images that are larger or equal to the output(on both edges) then they don’t get distorted.


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