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  • #936604


    I am trying to embed a contact form code from our cloud CRM provider Upsales. But it messes up the ALE.
    Can you verify that this is a known issue i.e. re-create the problem. I have leaved the code in the private content.
    Same results no matter if I insert it as code in a textblock or in a code block.


    Hey Terve,

    I tried the code out on a local installation and it seems to work, though I don’t know what it’s actually supposed to look like or do, or what problems you are getting? Please note that we can’t be responsible for third party code.

    Best regards,


    Hi again,

    My reply above was referring to the front end, it did break the layout builder on the backend. I’m not sure exactly why though.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I certainly understand that you cannot be responsible for this code. However, I think it should be your responsible to protect so that the back-end don’t break with additional code or try to help out to analyse why it breaks the back-end.

    This code is to present a form get the data and then post the data to an external system. You have a contact form that is generating a mail and one that is an integration with Mailchimp. Maybe you should consider to add one form version allowing for a general purpose post to an external system. I would imagine that you then would need to add a filename to each field and also allow for hidden fields. Then you would need a “post string” that could be set, please see what I mean in the private content section.



    Thank you for the update. I’m sorry but I can’t find the cause of the issue. Please create a new page then add the code in the default editor. Set the page’s Page Attributes > Template to “Blank – No Header, No Footer” and the Layout > Title Bar Settings to “Hide Both”. After that edit the page where you want to display the form, use the iframe tag inside the code block.

    <iframe width="100%" height="900px" src=""></iframe>

    Adjust the src value.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I do not want to use iframe since that is adding to much latency to the form loading. I can take 2-3 sec and is not acceptable as we have lost a lot on conversion rates (#people entering the form page/ #people submitting form) since we started with Enfold, most likely due to this iframe delay.

    I think it is strange how a “simple form” can mess up the back-end ALE…… I have now omitted any JS etc and is just trying with everything between <form> and </form> still same result.


    Hi again Ismael,

    I think that I have managed to isolate the problem. It seems like the ALE breaks if I use a “textarea” in the form.

    This breaks the ALE:
    <label>Optional message</label>
    <textarea maxlength=”512″ rows=”3″ name=”Extra.1489586585837″></textarea>

    This do not break ALE:

    <label>Optional message to Aptilo</label>
    <input maxlength=”512″ type=”text” name=”Extra.1489586585837″>



    Thank you for letting us know, we appreciate that

    Best regards,



    You are welcome Basilis, is this something you intend to look into and fix?


    Hi Terve,

    Can you share the page where this form is added?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, thanks for your support.

    The link is on the private section. I have stopped the form to just include the textarea that is causing the ALE to break, just so you will get it in it’s purest form.


    Hi Terve,

    The from on this page seems to be working, but the server response is 500 error.

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Please note that the form has always looked ok and worked on the from-end. However, the Advanced Layout Editor (ALE) is totally messed up and I can no longer edit the page. You will notice that now when I have given you login credentials in private content. Thanks for trying to help me, please keep me posted about the 500 error, sound interesting…..



    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria, I will have to investigate and check without any plugins. I will come back. Regarding the 500 server it is because I have stripped the form to isolate the problem, so problems when you hit submit is only to be expected.


    Hi Victoria,

    I have now verified that the issue must be in Enfold ALE (which I think Rikard confirmed earlier).
    I have done a complete new web server install just added Enfold Version: 4.2.6 nothing else (no plugins or child Themes) and the issue is still there.


    Hi again Victoria,

    Now when I knew what to look for I found this. It seems like the same issue existed back in 2014 . The work around with the insert HTML snippet seems to work although I don’t like the idea to have to worry about another plugin that may create other problems and performance degradation.



    Have you tried to create a custom shortcode for the form and then use that shortcode inside the code block instead?


    Best regards,

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