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  • #370826

    I am setting up Sensei Template with enfold.

    I am having trouble showing one of my “sidebar widgets” that I created.

    Here is what is looks like, but not taking ?

    The sidebar custom widget is called “Webinar Sidebar”

    `//get the sidebar
    $avia_config[‘currently_viewing’] = ‘page’;


    Hey eberswine!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Did you create a sidebar file called sidebar-webinar_sidebar.php? Please refer to this link:



    Hi Ismael,

    Looking at the sidebar.php page, it looks like I can just add a “conditional statement” ??

    No ?

     if(empty($avia_config['currently_viewing'])) $avia_config['currently_viewing'] = 'page';
                // general shop sidebars
                if ($avia_config['currently_viewing'] == 'shop' && dynamic_sidebar('Shop Overview Page') ) : $default_sidebar = false; endif;
                // single shop sidebars
                if ($avia_config['currently_viewing'] == 'shop_single') $default_sidebar = false;
                if ($avia_config['currently_viewing'] == 'shop_single' && dynamic_sidebar('Single Product Pages') ) : $default_sidebar = false; endif;
                // general blog sidebars
                if ($avia_config['currently_viewing'] == 'blog' && dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar Blog') ) : $default_sidebar = false; endif;
                // general pages sidebars
                if ($avia_config['currently_viewing'] == 'page' && dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar Pages') ) : $default_sidebar = false; endif;
                // forum pages sidebars
                if ($avia_config['currently_viewing'] == 'forum' && dynamic_sidebar('Forum') ) : $default_sidebar = false; endif;

    Maybe I will try the other sidebar route ?



    It is possible but you have to find the sensei page template. Add something like:

    $avia_config['currently_viewing'] = 'sensei';

    On sidebar.php, look for this code:

    // forum pages sidebars
                if ($avia_config['currently_viewing'] == 'forum' && dynamic_sidebar('Forum') ) : $default_sidebar = false; endif;

    Below, add something like this:

    // sensei pages sidebars
                if ($avia_config['currently_viewing'] == 'sensei' && dynamic_sidebar('Sensei') ) : $default_sidebar = false; endif;

    Go to Appearance > Widgets, create a custom widget called Sensei.



    Perfect! Thanks!

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