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  • #1056207

    Hi everyone,

    Unfortunately I always get the message “the link has been expired – try it again” after uploading the inside WordPress. I’m using WP 5.0.3. Can anyone help? Tried different browsers unfortunately always the same outcome.

    Thanks for your help,


    Hey attifilm,
    Please check that the zip file is only the theme, and not the zip that contains the extra files that you downloaded from Theme Forest (
    inside of that zip is, which you can upload, if you open that zip it will look like this:
    If you are still getting the error, please include a admin login in the private content area so we can be of more assistance.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your reply. I did upload the file you are mentioning but it simply doesn’t go through. Tried it with all different browsers… It starts uploading and at 100% it says that the link has expired and I should try again…

    Thank you so much for checking! Supplied the login info.



    Thanks for the login, I found that your PHP version is 5.3.29, where the minimum is v5.6, v7.0 would be better.
    Please ask your webhost to update your PHP.
    If this doesn’t solve, I will try installing for you with FTP, just include the ftp login, in the Private Content area, after your PHP is updated.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I did update it to v7.0 but unfortunately still the same problem. Would be great if you could upload it via ftp. I attached the login info.

    Thank you so much for your help.



    I uploaded the Enfold theme for you and activated it, it seems to be working correctly.
    You can start creating your site, or you can choose one of the demos to import.
    Please let us know if this is working for you.

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much, Mike, amazing service!!!



    Glad to help, I notice that your
    PHP Post Max Size is 8M &
    PHP Max Upload Size is 2M
    you may want to ask your webhost to change these to 20M each, there are a few ways to do this and your webhost will know the right way to do it for your server.
    Do you plan to import one of the demos?
    If so we’ll leave this open until you have successfully done so.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Sorry for the late answer and thanks again for your help. Unfortunately since I upgraded php it seems my other webpage using enfold is not working anymore. I contacted my hosting service and their answer was:

    The error log shows the following:

    Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in /home/attenhof/public_html/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/attenhof/public_html/ avia_style_generator->create_styles(”)
    #1 /home/attenhof/public_html/ do_action(‘wp_head’)
    #2 /home/attenhof/public_html/ wp_head()
    #3 /home/attenhof/public_html/ require_once(‘/home/attenhof/…’)
    #4 /home/attenhof/public_html/ load_template(‘/home/attenhof/…’, true)
    #5 /home/attenhof/public_html/ locate_template(Array, true)
    #6 /home/attenhof/public_html/ get_header()
    #7 /home/attenhof/public_html/ in /home/attenhof/public_html/ on line 123

    So, enfold theme is the problem.

    In the same time, setting php 5.6 in cPanel > Select PHP Version made it work. But I set 7.0 back, since I’m not sure about the effect on the other websites.

    Another issue is that I can see malicious files inside this account:

    root@echo [/home/attenhof/public_html/]# ll ..
    total 36
    drwxr-x— 6 attenhof nobody 4096 Sep 3 2018 ./
    drwxr-x— 24 attenhof nobody 4096 Jan 26 2017 ../
    -rw-r–r– 1 attenhof attenhof 1654 Mar 12 2018 amjpd322.php
    drwxr-xr-x 2 attenhof attenhof 4096 Jan 6 2016 casting/
    drwxr-xr-x 2 attenhof attenhof 4096 Jul 18 2015 cgi-bin/
    -rw-r–r– 1 attenhof attenhof 1654 Jun 4 2016 files11.php
    -rw-r–r– 1 attenhof attenhof 167 Jun 4 2016 .htaccess
    drwxr-xr-x 2 attenhof attenhof 4096 Aug 16 2015 videos/
    drwxr-xr-x 5 attenhof attenhof 4096 Mar 6 08:58 wp/

    This can lead to spam being generated from your website or other bad things, like a web site defacement or even complete removal depending on the nature of the infection.

    These malicious attacks most commonly come from outdated script installations such as WordPress or Joomla, outdated plugins for Content Management Systems including the previous, or from hacked/brute forced passwords.

    There are a few paths to take here to resolve this issue.

    You (or your developer) can examine the above files and remove them if unneeded or any malicious files/code found within. After that, please ensure that every script installed on the website, (including every plugin or addon) is up to date and running the latest versions. This includes WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. and their plugins.

    If you have any scripts (plugins, themes etc.) that you no longer use or maintain on this account, they should be to prevent any outdated unused scripts from remaining which may present vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

    After that, the admin/FTP/cPanel/Database passwords should be reset to strong passwords using a strong combination of lower- and upper-case characters, numbers, and symbols.

    So I upgraded WordPress but it didn’t help. I can’t even log into the administration tool. Do you see a way to help me once more? I didn’t remove the files because I didn’t install them. I learned to never manually delete files in a wordpress environment.

    The page is:

    Really strange. Your help is greatly appreciated!!!



    I took a look at your site and the version of Enfold was 3.2.3, isn’t this the same site I updated for you a while back?
    Well I updated it for you and the site now works.
    I’m not sure about the extra files, you could download them and then delete them off the server. They are not WordPress files.
    But you do need the .htaccess file there, and the folder wp/

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    No, it was the one from my film company. Thank you so much for fixing it, I really appreciate it. The other one was from the IT one :-)

    Will download and delete those files from the server, as advised.

    Again, thanks for the help and have a great week.



    Happy to help, unless there is anything else we can help with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    No, all good and solved. Thanks again for your amazing help!!!



    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads in the Enfold forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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