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  • #28953


    i have a little problem with font. The font, that is used for example in h1 or h2, doesn’t support diacritics. And it doesn’t look good. Where can I change font and do you have any tip for similar font with diacritics?



    You can fonts in Enfold theme options page under Styling section.




    Thanks. I found out, that Open Sans on Google Fonts has no trouble with diactritics, but Enfold has.


    I really like Open Sans in Enfold, so it’s here any way, how to fix it? :)


    Hi frysjo,

    I’m not sure how that could be happening since the theme doesn’t use a special version of the google font. It just loads it in directly *from* google.

    The link doesn’t show anything right now but if you can provide a link to your site so we can take a look at whats going on live that may help.





    I can’t provide a link to my site, because it’s accessible ony for some IP. But there is a new link:

    I know, that when I want to export font from Google Fonts, I have to check “Latin Extended (latin-ext)” and not only “Latin (latin)”. It’s here any connection?


    Try getting the code for that font and then adding it directly into the header.php just before:



    It works! Thank you very much :)

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