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  • #960567

    I did try everything I found online including changing the section.php to false (see below) and it did not work.
    When I made this change – it just changed it to a stationary image with a play button that does not link to the video which is not what I am looking to do. I want the video to play when you enter the site as I have it now with audio and no looping. I placed the section.php page back to its original format.

    $slide = array(
    ‘shortcode’ => ‘av_slideshow’,
    ‘content’ => ”,
    ‘attr’ => array( ‘id’=>”,
    ‘video’=>$video ,
    ‘slide_type’ => ‘video’,
    ‘video_mute’ => false,
    ‘video_loop’ => false,
    ‘video_ratio’ => $video_ratio,
    ‘video_controls’ => ‘disabled’,
    ‘video_section_bg’ => true,
    ‘video_format’=> ”,
    ‘video_mobile’ =>”,
    ‘video_mobile_disabled’=> $video_mobile_disabled


    Hey pamk21,

    Thank you for using our theme.

    Please give us admin access to your site and the link to the page. Also enable ALB debug mode

    Best regards,

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