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  • #1426033

    Hey meanster99,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    but isn’t now and it doesn’t use the transparent logo on anything below the breakpoint when the burger menu appears.

    Please try to add this code inside the css media query for mobile view.

    .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet #top .av_header_transparency.av_alternate_logo_active .logo a > img, .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet #top .av_header_transparency.av_alternate_logo_active .logo a > svg {
        opacity: 0;
    .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet #top .av_header_transparency .logo img.alternate, .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet #top .av_header_transparency .logo .subtext.avia-svg-logo-sub {
        display: block;

    Best regards,


    Thanks again Ismael this appears to be working. Please close this ticket.



    Glad to know that the modification is working. Please let us know if you have more questions.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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