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  • #1079333

    Out of the blue the transparent header on the whole site stopped working, all pages show a regular header instead now so it isnt a page configuration issue and more a theme problem.

    I reverted to the non child enfold theme and the issue was resolve, any idea why my child theme isnt showing transparent header?

    I tried disabling the child style.css and functions.php but that didnt help

    EDIT: very weird, when i disabled the sticky header int he theme setting, it started working again but when i enabled it to confirm the bug and re disable it, it wasnt helpign anymore. It only fixed it the first time i disabled sticky header, never after :(

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by yingyang.

    Hey kilimats,
    I was not able to load your site, I get this error:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

    I can not even get to your WP login. It looks like it’s coming from your header, are you able to login?
    Please check any custom scripts in your header, or your Google Analytics code?

    Best regards,


    Weird, can you try again? i think my firewall was doing that and i disabled it


    Also a weirder thing is when i click PREVIEW in the page edit window, the page that loads display the transparent header fine, its only on the production page that it doesnt work


    Thank you, I was able to see your site now, it looks like your transparency is working, but your page has padding at the top with is pushing down the background image and then showing the page background color, which is black. This is the css doing it:

    .responsive #top #main {
        padding-top: 131px !important;

    since it has !important; in it I would say this is in your custom css, please try finding it a removing it.

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much! i have removed the code.


    So i removed the code but i still see the padding at the top when doing the PREVIEW CHANGES only, not the production live page. How do i flush the cache to not cause the preview page to show the old css?


    Well your saying that you don’t see the error on the frontend but only in the backend (preview), I’m still seeing it on the frontend.
    I see that you are using Cloudflare, I believe that is where the cache issue is right now, I assume you tried to clear it but it can take a few hours for it to clear.
    Odd that you didn’t see this on the backend before, above you said that you only saw it on the front end?
    Perhaps try checking back in a little bit.

    Best regards,


    Good point you made, it is showing the gap on the preview pane in my primary browser but if i create a new profile in chrome, the issue shows up on the front end…so weird.

    And i did flush the cache on cloudfare already and even enabled the DEV mode with no luck, still shows the gap. Is there another caching i am not aware of?


    Did you remove the css from your Quick CSS or from your style.css? It is still showing in your merged css.
    Please disable performance css merging, then go to your Quick CSS and add a blank space and save again.
    If it didn’t have the !important; we could override it, but we need to remove it.

    Best regards,


    Amazing! that worked! is merged CSS really helping with speed? should i keep it on?


    I’ve added the code below to my style.css but the scroll to top button still shows in the lower right corner, i cleared the cache on the server, purged the cloudflare and still have CSS merge disabled, what am i missing? i did notice a new file called “style.css.original.css” that got created after i disabled the merge performance option, i renamed it with .old cause i want the default style.css file to be used, is that ok?

    /*remove scroll to top button
    #top #scroll-top-link {
        display: none !important;
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by yingyang.

    I see that your css merged is still loading, perhaps you turned it back on by the time I was able to look?
    Whenever you add css to your style.css, and the css merging is on, please try adding a blank space to your Quick CSS so that the theme options button “Save all changes” can be clicked.
    This is what rebuilds the css merged file so that your css is added.
    Another option would be to just add the css to the Quick CSS field and then save.
    Also note that the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS has the highest rank, and will almost always override any other css.
    I have not noticed a file called “style.css.original.css” before.

    Best regards,

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