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  • #272742

    Transparent header was working before, now it’s not.

    Now, when transparency is ON, the logo and page links have a white background (not transparent), as you can see here:

    When transparency is OFF, an additional empty white banner is added below the header, as you can see here:

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by mantisjitsu.

    To follow up, my logo is simple and has a transparent background, so it’s not that.
    It appears that the “transparent header” is a different element than the one that contains my logo.



    Thank you for visiting the support forum.

    Can you please check the home page? Is there an element on top of the layer slider? It is somehow creating another container on top of the layer slider.



    Thanks, found it. I had a code block with a bit of CSS above the slider on the page. when I moved the code block to below the slider, transparency worked again.

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