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  • #348758

    The Color of the Transparent Header is white and when i scroll down the header background changes to white too, but the Menu Font remains also white, so that it cant be seen anymore. only by choosing a gray color the problem can be fixed. Unfortunately it does not look so good.

    Ich habe mich für einen Transparent Header entschieden. Für den Menu Font ist Weiss oder ein helles Grau sicher die beste Wahl. Aber: Wenn die Onepage Lösung nach unten gescrollt wird, reduziert sich der Header und wird im Hintergrund weiss. Was auch so sein sollte. Nur der Menu Font bleibt dann immer noch Weiss und kann kaum bis gar nicht mehr gesehen werden. Es sollte sich mit dem Weissen Hintergrund auch ändern auf einen dunkleren Font, oder nicht?

    Thanks so much for your Support


    Hi chartreader!

    Please go to Enfold theme options > Header > Transparency Options and change transparent menu color as needed

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    We can change the color as you described it. Let’s say we change it to a light gray. After scrolling down, the active color stays white and becomes somehow almost invisible. Can you define the color on the transpartent menu and then change it to a different one as you scroll down and the transpartent menu becomes a white bar?

    Thanks for your help!



    Yes, to change initial color, please go to Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling and edit “Main Menu links”

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,

    Thanks again for your help. We’re somehow stuck. If we change one thing, another problem appears… All we would like to do is: Have a white colored menu in the beginning (transparent menu) and as we scroll down, we would like to have the menu text in a darker gray. Would you be so kind to login and check what we are doing wrong?

    Thanks so much! Login info is above.



    Please review your website now. I have added custom CSS code to Quick CSS field in Enfold theme options > General Styling tab



    Thanks Yigit, Works perfect.!

    Best Regards,


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by chartreader.
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