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  • #892156


    I encountered a possible bug. I am building a website for my client using enfold + avia layout builder. I used enfold already before so I know that this is an unusual behavior. I want to make the first part of the website a fullscreen width image with some text on it + the header transparent.
    I know that I need to use the coloured section, set the background image, at least 100% width + within the page settings set it to transparent header. Done it 100 times.

    The bug:
    When I change the transparent header on the page settings to “transparent” the whole coloured sections is visibly gone in the frontend. When I switch it back to “non transparent” it is visible again.

    My temporary fix:
    There is dirty temporary fix. If I put another element (e.g. just 1/1 width – it can be even empty) before the coloured section it is the normal expected behavior. I wouldnt like to live with this fix though as it creates confusion.

    I created you a temporary login and a test page for you to play:
    Name Testpage = testpage for enfold (here i recreated the version that is broken. If you want to see the temporary fix just add a 1:1 width element before the coloured section as I did on the “start” page.)


    Hey Jannis,
    Thank you for the example, and pointing this out. Can you copy the debug code, Enable Avia Layout Builder Debug of the page and save it to a text file on Dropbox or Google Drive and post the link, so I can test this on a clean install?

    Best regards,


    Sure. Thank you Mike.
    I debugged it and put you two files in my dropbox via private link. I also made you a new temporary login.
    1. debug enfold testpage broken
    2. debug enfold testpage with dirty fix



    Thank you for creating this test and for the debug code. When I tested on a clean install I could not reproduce the error.
    I investigated your page further and found you have this css hiding the page:

    /* hide breadcrumb on home */
    #main > div:first-child {
        display: none;

    but I don't have access to your child theme css to investigate further to see why it is triggered for header transparency.
    Please check.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    Thank you. I actually feel a bit embarassed now that I created the bug myself. It was an “old code part” which I copied from another page that I created with an earlier version of enfold. Back then it had a purpose and because it was working on the other page I didnt question it at all. Anyway. This issue is solved. Good job.



    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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