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  • #625957

    I wanted to increase the transparency of the background for the color section about-us.
    So first I tried it with creating Section Background Overlay and setting opacity to 0.2. Quite easy and worked, BUT I see no chance to stretch the picture to fullscreen this way. Is there any chance to do so?
    Another try then: I set picture as Background of the Color section and used this Quick-CSS code:
    #about-us .container { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.9); }
    Now the screen darkened, as I read because main background was not transparent, so I used this code:
    #main .container { background-color: transparent; }
    this just made everything look like before again.
    So my question: How can I simply make the background of a specific color-section more transparent?

    Thank You!


    Hey Gerke!

    Can you please post the link to your page, point out your color section element and post a screenshot showing the changes you would like to make? You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here

    Best regards,


    Link to Website:
    Name of Color Section: about-us
    link to screenshot:
    What I would like to do: Increase the Background-transparency to make the font better visible.

    Thank you



    Yes, we are going to need temporary logins credentials. Please post them here privately.
    But firstly, please try to add custom background image to your color section and then add colored overlay and that should help.



    great, that helped! I added a white overlay and set opacity of this white overlay to 0.8, but this looks like some workaround for me. Another question how can I get rid of the white bar at the right side of the screen? I already choose Stretch to fit.
    UPDATE: This is up to the Picture! So my only question left: is adding a white overlay the right way to “increase” my pictures transparency or is there some easier way? and why did my Quick-CSS not work?

    Thank You!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by C2S16.


    Please edit your image and remove it. It is part of the image :)

    You can simply user colored overlay. Which CSS is not working? Can you please switch user role to administrator so we can look into it?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Yigit.
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