Tagged: color section
Hello, I have to have control of the transparency of the color section? I would like to use color in some section of my website a light transparency. But each will have its opacity. I’ll have to manipulate each. Is this possible?
For example. In the link below page I want to leave a little transparent the color section where has the text.
Hey mleite1!
You can add an ID to each color section in the For Developers: Section ID option in the color section. You can then target your section with CSS like so:
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
Hello, I created a name For Developers: Section ID, I took your code and added the name. I changed the color and set the opacity to 0.6. The color became clearer, but the Color Section was not transparent. I want the color section transparent stay and show the BG image of the page.
Please try this for the section to be fully transparent:
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
Best regards,
You need to first reset the #main element background, the final code should be like this:
#main {
background: transparent;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
Perfect Josua.