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  • #1422642

    Dear Team,

    As I translate my site in 4 languages, I’m starting to go in the details of this neverending story, and can’t solve the following.

    After the messgae form (under “Contact”), comes a tick box followed by a sentence, that I could translate in italian (for now), ending with the words “note legali”. These should lik to the Legal information page linked at the end of my footer page. But it doesn’t and I don’t find where the link is.

    Can you please help ?

    Thank you.




    Hey HulaSlim,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Have you tried adjusting the privacy checkbox content in the Enfold > Privacy & Cookies > Privacy Policy panel? The option “Append a privacy policy message to template builder contact forms?” should be enabled, and the content can be adjusted in the Message below template builder contact forms field.

    Best regards,

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