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  • #1308784

    Hello, I have two languages website, translated by Polylang. I have a Layer Slider in Home page, each slide have text and button.

    I tried to make two Layer Sliders, but after read your forums, saw that it is impossible, so right now I have one slider,translated by string translation in Polylang.

    Everything work good, but I have a buttons on each slide and it is always apoint to the pages in one language.

    I need portuguise buttons to portuguise pages and english buttons to english pages.

    How can I do this?


    Thank you,
    Best Regards.


    Hey DariaAlbufeira,

    We try to stay compatible with many plugins, but it is not possible for all. Polylang is not supported by Enfold.

    Which language did you translate the site to? Please check install the Loco Translate plugin, search for the string or text and then try to translate it manually. You can also use the POEdit software if you prefer.


    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hello Jordan,

    I know loco-translate, but it is much more simple to duplicate page and change translation. Loco translate it is good for translation word by word …

    Polylang is doing good job, and it is working good with enfold, unique problem is with Layer slider.

    Could I make, any way, two sliders? Each for each language?

    Thank you,
    Best Regards,



    That may be possible, but would require quite a bit of js to determine which one to display and when.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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