I need the textfields (weeks, days, hours etc.) translated to German. How/where can I do this?
Hey wepe1507!
Can you post the link to your website please?
Best regards,
Hi wepe1507!
Please use Poedit: http://www.poedit.net/ or http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/codestyling-localization/ to translate it and save it with the right language identification code (i.e. German users must use de_DE and Poedit will generate a de_DE.po and de_DE.mo file. A list of all languages can be found here: http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language ). You need to upload the mo & po files into the wp-content/themes/enfold/lang/ folder.
You can refer to this link for additional help
Thank you for your tip Arvish. Translation with codestyling localization worked :-)