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  • #26955

    Hi there,

    as the WPML translation with Enfold doesn’t work until now, i decided to translate the plugins with CodeStyling Localization plugin. So after translating a bunch of plugins (like Woocommerce Subscriptions) into german language, there is no effect to show the german language either in the background nor in the frontend.

    Any idea why it is not shown up? I had contact with Woocommerce support and they tested it with a normal standard theme and it worked perfectly. So I guess it might be a problem with Enfold or within combination of the German market Press plugin maybe ( which you work very close together with). Any help here would be great!




    Did you try to install the latest German translation file from the MarketPress devs: http://marketpress.de/support/topic/deutsche-sprachdateien-fur-woocommerce/ ?

    Best regards,



    I found the problem. Besides the woocommerce-subscription .mo file I also had to translate and create the woocommerce mo file. After I did that, everythign runs fin in german now :) And yes, I already installed the latest German tranalstion from MarketPress, but this was about the Woocommerce Plugins which didn’t work.

    So thx anyway for your support. If anyone wnats the german translation of the subscription plugin, just let me know ^^


    Great, glad it works now. I’d suggest to send the subscription translation to Patrick – http://www.woothemes.com/affiliated-woo-workers/patrick-garman/ – he’s the developer of the subscription plugin and probably interested in adding your translation to the plugin files.

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