I am trying to translate a little bit Enfold theme. But some text strings are missing. I am using WP plugin Codestyling Localization. For example I can’t find “Nothing Found” from 404 Error page in avia_framework textdomain. Thanks
Did you translated the WordPress installation too?
I am using translated version of WordPress, so there shouldn’t be a problem. And am I right if I think, that this code: <?php _e('Search','avia_framework')?>
mean, that it’s in avia_framework textdomain in Enfold theme?
so where could be problem when it doesn’t? Is it compatible with Codestyling Localization plugin, Enfold theme? I have total 932 strings in text domain avia_framework, but Germany translation has only 784strings. Could be this problem with my translation plugin? Not sure where to look and solve this problem. Thanks
Ok I tried Poedit and there I found all strings, so it’s somethign wrong with Localization plugin. Anyway after I translated everything to my language and save it to two files .po and .mo and uploaded to wp-content/themes/enfold/lang. Where I can change language of Enfold theme? Thanks
Yeah, found the solution of my problem. I have search from with “case sensitive search” in Codestyling Localization. Thanks for your help. And I think that Enfold automatically change language to WordPress default if there is .po and .mo file in /enfold/lang/ folder. Thank you for your time :)