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  • #1463532

    Hi, I’m using “Enfold“ theme with the “Polylang” multilingual plugin. I’m trying to have another version of the main logo on my second language but I cant’ figure it out.
    Somebody knows how to have two different logo for each language version?

    Thanks for your help,



    Hey denisbarnabe,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Please use this filter in the functions.php file to change the logo for a specific language:

    function avf_logo_mod($logo)
        $lang = pll_current_language('locale');
        if ($lang == "fr_FR") {
            $logo = "/wp-content/uploads/YOUR_LOGO_FILE.jpg";
        return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo', 'avf_logo_mod');

    Best regards,


    oh – nice; I didn’t realise that polylang has an extra for currentLanguage

    with get_bloginfo() you can have info on current language too.

    function change_logo_on_different_languages($logo){
        $currentlang = get_bloginfo('language');
        if($currentlang == "fr_FR"){
            $logo = "/wp-content/uploads/YOUR_LOGO_FILE.jpg";
        return $logo; 

    Thanks for your responses Ismael and Guenni :)

    I tried to add this function to my theme but even after purged caches nothing changed on my FR version :/
    Do you think could be for the reason I’m using the two features “Logo” and “Logo Transparency” (when the user scroll another logo appears) ? Or maybe for the reason I’m using SVG file ?

    Thanks for your help :)



    Yes – and if you use for both logo svg files you can replace it by the ID of that logo file.
    you can find that ID on media library list view! ( it is an own column for that )

    try for default logo:

    function change_logo_on_different_languages($logo){
        $currentlang = get_bloginfo('language');
        if($currentlang == "fr_FR"){
            // see on media library what ID your Logo for Fr site has.
            $logo = 162;  
        return $logo; 

    and for transparency logo:

    function av_change_alternative_logo_img($header){
        $currentlang = get_bloginfo('language');
        if($currentlang == "fr_FR"){
            // next line is only neccessary if on options no default transparency logo has been set
            $header['header_class'] .= ' av_alternate_logo_active'; 
            $header['header_replacement_logo_id'] = 163;
        return $header; 

    or adjust Ismaels code that way with ID’s


    That works perfectly, thank you very much for your help Guenni! :D


    Glad that Guenni007 could help, thanks Guenni007, if you have any further questions please open a new thread and we will be happy to help.

    Best regards,

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