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  • #1221808

    Hey guys,

    I’ve created two widgets with Enfold’s Mailchimp form. I’ve been able to translate the title and the button’s label. But I can’t figure out how to translate the text placeholder.

    Text placeholder label in form
    Enfold’s Mailchimp panel

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Phet.

    Hey Phet,

    Have you looked into the following?

    MailChimp for WordPress Multilingual

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hey Jordan,

    Are you referring to WPML’s support? Yes I did create a support ticket with them. I’m still waiting for them to reply to my last message.

    I wanted to know if you guys had any ideas…



    Sorry for the delay. You should be able to use the avf_sc_mailchimp_form_elements filter to adjust the value of the form fields and make them translatable. Example usage can be found here:

    // https://kriesi.at/support/topic/get-variable-of-the-url-and-attach-it-on-subject-of-content-form-mail/#post-1010866

    Just replace the avf_sc_contact_form_elements with the avf_sc_mailchimp_form_elements filter.

    This is an example of the values contained in a single form field.

     array (
        'label' => 'Name',
        'type' => 'text',
        'check' => 'is_empty',
        'options' => '',
        'multi_select' => '',
        'av_contact_preselect' => '',
        'width' => '',
        'av_uid' => 'av-9fiu',

    Within the filter, you have to replace the default value of the label key and make it translatable using the translation __() function.

    $formfield['label'] = __( $formfield['label'], 'avia_framework' );

    // https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/__/

    You may need to loop through the $formfields first.

    Best regards,

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