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  • #625855


    I am trying to translate the captions for items added to a masonery gallery – when I create a spanish version of the page (using templates to keep the layout and content) when I edit the gallery there is no option for translating the caption and if I change it to spanish it appears in spanish in the english version

    I am using WPML, is there any way to translated these captions easily as there a lot on the site or is this a WPML issue?

    many thanks


    Hey smoothbob,

    Please use WPML media translation to translate your media files.

    Best regards,



    yes, I have wpml installed, but if I make a spanish copy of the page if I edit the image caption in the gallery (spanish page) it also changes it in the english version, looking at the screenshot I sent you there is no option in the image caption area to translate the text so am I looking in the wrong place?

    or do I need some additional setting or plugin for wpml?




    You should go to WPML > Media Translations and translate your media items –

    Best regards,


    ah, ok…I do not have this option in my menu, is this some add on do you know?




    It is included in WPML plugin.
    You should be able to download it from WPML site.
    If it is not available for you, please contact WPML team about it :)


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Yigit.

    ah, just installing that now, it was not installed…many thanks for your help

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