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  • #1446860

    Hi Enfold team,
    I’m wanting to replace the “^” for the top of page link with instead the site’s favicon image (jpg). I didn’t see anything in the forum. How might I attempt this?
    Thanks for your help.


    a fast way might be to only replace the content:

    #scroll-top-link[data-av_icon]::before {
      content: url(/wp-content/uploads/myTest.svg);

    But I only tested it with an svg file, so I had no problems getting the dimensions to fit.


    Hey Guenter,
    Well aren’t you fast! Thanks for the help. I also had to include the following to make it work for us. Hope this gives other inspiration. Have a great day and please close ticket. Thank you!

    #scroll-top-link[data-av_icon]::before {
    content: url(/wp-content/uploads/top.svg);
    #scroll-top-link.avia_pop_class, #av-cookie-consent-badge.avia_pop_class {
    opacity: 1;
    visibility: visible;
    html, #scroll-top-link, #av-cookie-consent-badge {
    background-color: transparent !important;
    #scroll-top-link, #av-cookie-consent-badge {
    border: none !important;

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