Hi there,
Could you tell me how to decrease the top margin of the blog posts element? It is appearing pretty far down the page after the color section.
Hi inspirationguelph!
Are you referring to the black space above the title or the white area above “Gregory”?
Hi Dake, thanks for the response. I’m referring to the area above “Gregory”, would like the first post a bit higher. There is little space after the post but lots of white space before the post.
Please add the below css to your custom css section:
#top .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper {
text-align: justify;
font-size: 15px;
line-height: 25px;
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow: visible;
margin-top: -60px !important;
Best regards,