Hi guys,
Been trying to find the CSS for the gallery thumbnail tooltip width (the tooltip that displays the image caption). Can’t find it using Firebug. What custom CSS do I need to add to have the tooltip be 100% width of the thumbnail image to which it relates?
It’s not possible to change the tooltip width based on the thumbnail width because the width is “hardcoded” with css. However you can change the current tooltip width to any other width – insert following code into the quick css field
.avia-tooltip {
width: 180px;
and adjust the width value.
Thanks Dude. Unfortunately, using px widths means I can only go to about 200px before it screws up when viewed on smartphones (goes of the side of the screen), which is a little too small (need about 400px for my ‘thumbnail’ images). I guess I’ll have to live with it unless there is something else I can do?
On a similar subject, is there any chance the caption is going to be added back into the lightboxes in future updates? It’s a bit odd not to be able to caption a lightbox image.
There is a tooltip on the gallery images. Where do you not find one?