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  • #481684


    There doesn’t seem to be any existing support threads for this particular tooltips issue:

    1. When I create and position the tooltips the option is only for right or left align. Is it possible to have the tooltip icon placed just after the last item of text on a line, rather than at the right hand margin.

    2. Also in this same bulleted section, the tooltips in the right hand column overflow off the page when open. This happens on both desktop and mobile screens. Can this be solved without needing to reduce the column widths on this page to 2/5 + 2/5?


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Barnez1.

    I’ve found this in js>>avia.js on line 1757-1772

    	$.AviaTooltip  =  function(options)
    	   var defaults = {
                delay: 1500,                //delay in ms until the tooltip appears
                delayOut: 300,             	//delay in ms when instant showing should stop
                delayHide: 0,             	//delay hiding of tooltip in ms
                "class": "avia-tooltip",   	//tooltip classname for css styling and alignment
                scope: "body",             	//area the tooltip should be applied to
                data:  "avia-tooltip",     	//data attribute that contains the tooltip text
                attach:"body",          	//either attach the tooltip to the "mouse" or to the "element" // todo: implement mouse, make sure that it doesnt overlap with screen borders
                event: 'mouseenter',       	//mousenter and leave or click and leave
                position:'top',             //top or bottom
                extraClass:'avia-tooltip-class', //extra class that is defined by a tooltip element data attribute
                permanent: false 			// always display the tooltip?

    Is there any possibility for a position:”left or float:’left’?



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    You can’t set the tooltip to align left or right but you can adjust the position in the Quick CSS field:

    #top .avia-icon-tooltip {
        margin-left: -50px;
    .avia-tooltip .avia-arrow-wrap {
        margin-left: 43px;



    Hi Ismael,

    This theme is fantastic, and I’m really pleased with my decision to choose it over the two others I was considering!

    Your suggested css was excellent. The only thing I needed to do was to increase the margin left to -90 to allow the tooltip windows to show on a narrow mobile screen.

    Many thanks for your help!



    Glad it worked. Again, thank you for using the theme. :)


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