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  • #352422


    I want to apply a tooltip on my “Icon box”.
    I saw it’s only possible on “icon”, not for icon box (I haven’t the “tooltip” field)

    How can I do that?
    I join you a screenshot :


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by alexispereira.

    When I add an icon with Avia Composer, I can fill a “tooltip” field.
    But when I add an Icon Box, I haven’t this field.

    How can I do that?

    I don’t know if it’s easy to understand, sorry for that!



    This is kind of bordering on custom work but it seemed easy enough to do so we’ll try it. Open up /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/iconbox.php and around line 380 find this.

    $output .= 		'<div class="iconbox_content">';

    Change it to this.

    $output .= 		'<div class="iconbox_content" data-avia-icon-tooltip = "'.htmlspecialchars(do_shortcode($iconbox_tooltip)).'">';

    Next find line 291.


    Add this beneath it.


    Next find this code around line 130.

    		"name" 	=> __("Content",'avia_framework' ),
    		"desc" 	=> __("Add some content for this IconBox",'avia_framework' ),
    		"id" 	=> "content",
    		"type" 	=> "tiny_mce",
    		"std" 	=> __("Click here to add your own text", "avia_framework" )),

    And add this above it.

    						"name" 	=> __("Optional Tooltip",'avia_framework' ),
    						"desc" 	=> __("Add a tooltip for this Icon. The tooltip will appear on mouse over",'avia_framework' ),
    						"id" 	=> "iconbox_tooltip",
    						"type" 	=> "textarea",
    						"std" 	=> ""),



    Thanks a lot for this support! Cheers

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