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  • #1414734

    after crawling a page with with scraming frog i wonder why there are a lot of 301 forwardings.. where is that coming from?`Cookie Banner?
    How to deactivate that?


    Hey Sebastian,
    Why do you think that the 301 redirects are caused by this cookie banner? The pages seem to product pages, is this correct?

    Best regards,


    Because it is nearly on each product page and the link route is /datenschutz/, same as added into text of cookie banner. Further on, the cookie banner is loaded to each page .. therefore my conclusion.

    What else could it be?


    can you please have a look if on enfold settings page there is still a redirect page selected.
    If you do not reset that entry – and only set the maintainance mode to disabled – there will be some settings preserved on enfold

    btw: same with custom 404 page and redirect


    If you added a link to your cookie banner did you add a full path url or only /datenschutz/ ?
    Can you link you your page so we can see?

    Best regards,


    This are the settings
    404 page created and links in the settings to this page.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by xeovision.

    Sorry I don’t understand, I don’t see the /datenschutz/ page in your screenshot, and your screenshot is not for the cookie option.
    You said above that the /datenschutz/ is a link in your cookie bar, please link to your page so we can see.
    If you added a link to your cookie banner did you add a full path url or only /datenschutz/ ?

    Best regards,


    aktiviere mal kurzzeitig den Wartungsmodus und schau nach ob da eine Seite hinterlegt ist – wenn ja stelle es auf “Seite auswählen” zurück und dann deaktiviere wieder den Wartungsmodus.

    PS – da du auch keine 404 Seite hast – deaktiviere diese auch. Oder heißt die Seite so wie es dort steht (“404 Seite nicht gefunden”) ?


    Die Seite ist existent, die heisst tatsächlich “404 Seite nicht gefunden”.
    Da der Kunde und ich uns am WE geeinigt haben, getrennte Wege zu gehen, also hat sich dieses Thema hier erstmal erledigt :)

    Ticket can be closed



    Thanks for the update!

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Best regards,

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