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  • #1467684

    Hi wondering if you can help me

    I’m trying to link to the ID’s of the accordion and they are either not opening or they will open but put me at a different point on the screen to what is linked.

    this seems to be happening on different sites and has a problem with pre set ids as well as renamed ones

    thanks in advance


    Hey Thomas,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I think the problem is in ..\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\toggles\toggles.js around line 92:

    allContent.not(content).slideUp( slideSpeed, function()

    Can you try to remove


    and check if this helps.

    If not, can you give us admin access to a staging site where we can reproduce the problem (and we can modify this file to debug further) ??

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter

    that doesnt seem to have helped it is now not scrolling at all though it is opening the right tab



    Thanks for the credentials.

    I recognise one thing:

    – being logged in it seems to scroll to the right place (besides that the heading is covered by admin bar)
    – not logged in (in incognito window) it seems to scroll to top of the toggle section

    e.g. use “Total number of Pendent Lights:” scrolls to “Re-wiring Cost Calculator” headline in incognito, but correctly to content of toggle when logged in

    Before I digg deeper – does this give you any hint to your customizations ???

    Best regards,


    Hi Gunter,

    I’ll try disabling the plugins and report back.


    Disabling the plugins and our changes to functions.php don’t seem to have helped. The toggle seems to completely disappear when the ID is used in the URL.



    I checked the clean version with FF (also in incognito mode) and Chrome on a Windows PC. and on an android handy with chrome.

    I cannot reproduce the problem.

    Can you please copy the shortcode of page with the accordion of the original site to the test site to check ??
    You can enable the debug mode via theme option “Layout Builder” -> “Show advanced options” -> “Debug Mode (Backend Only)”.
    Insert the shortcodes into the cleared debug input field and save the page.

    Best regards,


    On the demo page we sent over if you enter any of the accordian # anchors into the searchbar the current one disappears.

    The css jumps and the toggle disappears off the page to the side

    If you refresh your screen the toggle is correctly displayed.
    we have tried chrome, firefox and edge. We have also tried 2 different computers

    See if it happens your end. If not we will send a loom video

    To add – sometimes it works when you go from a different URL to the one with the #toggle id.

    Really confused!

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by thinkjarvis.


    I could reproduce it once only.

    I readded the


    on the demo page. This seems to fix the problem.

    Best regards,


    Hi Gunter,

    No change here.

    It still doesnt work.

    If you open one accordian tab and change the # to the next tab in the list it disappears completely.



    I could reproduce it now – I will add a fix to react correctly when the address bar hash changes.

    But I think this will not solve the problem from the initial topic.
    I will let you know here, when I have the fix.

    Best regards,



    I added a fix to solve searchbar with #toggle id:

    Please replace C:\xampp\htdocs\wp56\wp-content\themes\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\toggles\toggles.js


    Best regards,


    Thanks Gunter

    Well swap it on our test site and reply back shortly.


    Hi Gunter,

    This seems to work ok if you go from a different url to a specific tab or you have anchor links on the same page

    However when you then change the ID in the address bar manually

    Copy and paste the url of the page the accordion is on with the ID hash:

    Then if you click in the address bar and change the #toggle-id-1 to a different ID like #toggle-id-2 then accordion toggle 2 vanishes and shifts off the page.

    So its nearly there but something isnt right still.


    The Location it is scrolling to on the page is also slightly off. Scrolling too far down not showing the accordian tab itself.



    Sorry to say – I’ve tried the last days to find a solution – but I was not able to find one without the risk of breaking existing sites and elements.

    Best regards,

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