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  • #1395904

    Hi Yigit
    You just replied to my message on the support forum (message #1395896) but since my theme License has expired I can’t reply to you.

    I can’t create a staging copy :( no time for it and don’t know how to make this !)

    And anyway, my website is upside down… The updating has been done automaticaly :( I don’t know what happened. It seems it doesn’t take the css files anymore

    I can give you a temporary login without password. What email could you give me ?



    You should be able to click the link in your email to reply to your thread.

    It seems like a caching issue. Could you please go to Enfold theme options > Performance and disable CSS and JS file merging and compression options, save theme options, and clear cache on your caching plugin?

    You can use (Email address hidden if logged out) but please post logins credentials here privately so any available moderator can look into it :)



    Thanks for your help
    Ok, i just disabled CSS and JS file merging and compression options. Now it looks better :)
    But masonry don’t show pictures…
    Any idea ?



    I noticed that you have replied to this thread as well:

    On that website, the issue turned out to be related to the “BEAF – Ultimate Before After Image Slider & Gallery” plugin.

    Could you please temporarily deactivate all active plugins to check if the issue is related to one of your plugins? Then, you can activate them one by one to find the culprit.



    So, I took time to deactivate all plugins. I wanted to invastigate before you get into it yourself. But it didn’t help. Sorry. I need you !!

    Maybe a function could be in conflict in function.php?
    I tried to erase all the content in the function.pho file. it didn’t help neither…
    I have a private link for you.

    I have a maintenance mode. I added you on the white list so you’ll be able to test the website :)

    Thanks for all



    And just for your info, mansory element give me that fatal error :
    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_style_tag() on null in /homepages/17/d806812310/htdocs/medianeartetcom2020/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-helpers/class-avia-masonry.php:537 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/17/d806812310/htdocs/medianeartetcom2020/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/shortcodes/masonry_entries/masonry_entries.php(639): avia_masonry->html() #1 /homepages/17/d806812310/htdocs/medianeartetcom2020/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-shortcode-template.php(1311): avia_sc_masonry_entries->shortcode_handler(Array, ”, ‘av_masonry_entr…’, Array) #2 /homepages/17/d806812310/htdocs/medianeartetcom2020/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(355): aviaShortcodeTemplate->shortcode_handler_prepare(Array, ”, ‘av_masonry_entr…’) #3 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array) #4 /homepages/17/d806812310/htdocs/medianeartetcom2020/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(227): preg_replace_callback(‘/\\[(\\[?)(av_mas…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘\n[av_hea in /homepages/17/d806812310/htdocs/medianeartetcom2020/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-helpers/class-avia-masonry.php on line 537

    (masonry custom used to work)


    I have my website on maintenance mode for now.
    Have you had any chance to have a look on issues I’m facing ?
    Thanks for your help.


    Hi Christophe,

    You have a modified version of the masonry_entries.php file on your child theme inside /shortcodes/masonry_entries/ folder. That file seems to be the issue. You can rename the file to “old-masonry_entries.php” to confirm that.

    If that helps, you would need to go to /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries/ and copy the updated version of the masonry_entries.php file, paste it inside your child theme where you have your “old-masonry_entries.php” file and reapply the modifications.

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit
    Again, thank you very much for your help and your time.
    Unfortunately, solution you’re suggestion doesn’t work. I don’t have this Fatal error on the Masonry element, but none of masonry or custom masonry shows…
    Have you got any other idea I would love to try ?
    Thank you !


    Good news !
    Everything works now. I found out it was the cache server which was not giving me the good result after I did the changes you recommended.

    I deactivated WP Rocket and now it’s all back !
    Yes yes yes

    It is a bit slow, but I’ll wait for 24 hours to reactivate WPRocket

    Thanks for all.

    Have good day.




    You are welcome, Christophe!

    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day :)

    Best regards,

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