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  • #371197

    This is hard to explain, but essentially the title for the box is inside the box…when it’s supposed to be ABOVE the box.

    It’s on this webpage: http://www.priorityev.info/contact/mission-application/

    On the larger boxes it seems to do this…here’s a screenshot showing it:

    The Problem



    I see why it’s happening, change the code i added in Quick CSS, from this:

    .hidden {
    position: absolute !important;

    To this:

    .avia_section.hidden {
    position: absolute !important;

    Best regards,


    UPDATE: Nevermind, I got my cache to clear, and it seems to be working! Thanks again!

    I changed it…can you check and see if it’s still doing it?

    I’ve been having issues with my browser cache not clearing…I’m still seeing the error, but I don’t know if it’s just my browser’s cache.

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