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  • #1134309

    Hi guys!

    2 Issues

    1. All content boxes are one size vertically. They are are the length of the box with the most text. I’d like to make the boxes fit the text. Many of the boxes have a large amount of space beneath them. How can I resolve this issue?
    + Also, I want the Color Section to shrink based on the amount of text in a given content box. (the timeline will get closer and further from the footer depending on the amount of text is in a given contact box. In other words, when using the navigation arrows, the page will get taller and shorter depending on how much space a content box is taking up on the page. Essentially, I’d like all the content boxes to be different sizes to match the content in the boxes.

    2. In content box 6, the bulleted items do not show up. When you go to the edit page, the bullets are there. However, they are not there when viewing the page.



    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Jasmer. Reason: added more info in bold

    Hey Jasmer,
    Thank you for the login, I added this css to your site and the issues seem to be resolved, please clear your browser cache and check.

    #top.page-id-1691 .av-milestone-contentbox {
    	min-height: 120px !important; 
    #top.page-id-1691 #avia-timeline-1 > ul > li:nth-child(6) > article > div ul li{
    	display: list-item !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks! Two questions:

    1. Will you take a look at this page on a mobile device, please. When I navigate back and forth with the arrows, and scroll up then down, it jumps around from 9 to 1 etc. It doesn’t quite work right on mobile. Desktop site is fine.
    – When you try to reproduce it, just click the navigation arrows and scroll up and down in between navigating, You will see how it jumps around.

    2. Why’d weren’t the bullets showing up? Why were the boxes so large? Is that just how the element is?

    3. I removed your CSS from CSS and put it in Quick CSS where all CSS is. The problem with the mobile devices happened before and after this move, so the move of CSS is unrelated to the issue in #1 above.

    Thank you,


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Jasmer. Reason: added #3

    Thanks for your feedback, I have viewed the element on mobile and it seems to work correctly while it is in view, when scrolling down out of view the element does reset to the first position, but this doesn’t seem to be an inconsistent behavior.
    The bullets in box 6 are showing for me, are there other bullets? I had to customize the element to show bullets because the element itself is an unordered list so bullet points are disabled.
    The boxes are the size of the content.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike and thanks,

    Jump Behavior – The problem is, a user should be able to scroll up and down without losing their position in the list. This does not happen when using a desktop browser, it only happens when using a mobile browser. This is inconsistent and confusing behavior for the user. Jumping to the first position in the list on a mobile browser should be disabled if it is not the same on the desktop site. Is there a quickcss way to do this?

    Bullets – There are no other bulleted lists. In the element, it allows me to add bullets so then I would expect to see bullets. Thank you for fixing the problem! Will the CSS you added apply when I add another list or add bullets to current lists? I’d like to have them enabled for all.

    Boxes – Yes thank you. Will this also apply when I added additional boxes?

    Thanks so much,



    I tried to recreate the jumping behavior on my test site and could not, so I reviewed your site again and it is not jumping either, have you updated the theme since your last post?
    As for your other two questions, the css should continue to work for future bullets and boxes.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    It’s jumping on an iPhone XS Max and an iPhone 6. Go to item 3. Then once you are at item 3, scroll all the way up to the top of the page then all the way down. It still jumps, unfortunately,

    As mentioned, this behavior is not present on a desktop browser. I tested on several. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc. On pc Edge, IE.

    The server cache has been cleared as well as my browser caches.

    Thank you,



    Sorry I don’t have an iPhone and it’s not occurring on Android since v4.6.1, I will ask a team member with an iPhone to take a look.
    Thanks for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    See attached screen recording below. I cleared iOS Safari cache, disabled spam blockers and this is the result. I also tested on Chrome for iOS and Firefox for iOS; those tests yielded the same result.

    Thanks for your help,



    Thank you for the video, this will be helpful. I have asked the team for assistance, but we are all in different time zones.
    Thanks for your patience.

    Best regards,

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