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  • #718378

    Having an issue on my archive pages where it’s hard cropping thumbnails to a square instead of fitting image. Enfold seemed to do fine with OLD images (see sample in link below), but when I created two new posts and added featured images I got the larger, square versions.

    Attempted solutions:
    1. Update WordPress settings to: 142 x 80 thumbnail (force crop), 1280 x 720 medium, 1920 x 1080 large
    2. Deleted and reuploaded thumbnails in the sample above after changing media settings.
    3. Regenerated thumbnails using most popular thumbnail regeneration tool
    4. Cleared cache after regen
    5. Attempted to reapply featured image after cache removal

    Any other suggestions on this one?

    Absolutely love the theme.

    Thank you!


    Regenerating the thumbnails apparently broke the two that were working before. Now all four are showing the square thumbnail.



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The blog archive or category pages are using a specific thumbnail called “portfolio”. If you want to replace it with custom thumbnail, you have to modify the archive.php file and adjust the avia_post_slider attribute.

    $atts   = array(
                                    'type' => 'grid',
                                    'items' => get_option('posts_per_page'),
                                    'columns' => 3,
                                    'preview_mode' => 'custom',
    	            'image_size' => 'extra_large',                             
                                    'class' => 'avia-builder-el-no-sibling',
                                    'paginate' => 'yes',
                                    'use_main_query_pagination' => 'yes',
                                    'custom_query' => array( 'post__in'=>$post_ids, 'post_type'=>get_post_types() )

    We set the “preview_mode” parameter to “custom” so that we can choose a predefined “image_size”. In the code above, we set it to “extra_large”.




    You’re the man!

    I appreciate the help, above solution worked perfectly.

    Keep up the great work.



    Great, glad we could help :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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