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  • #23967


    Just picked up the theme, I am moving from GhostPool’s Slide to Enfold. I am/was very happy with Slide, but decided that after three years it was time for a spring makeover – saw Enfold, and like the possibilities it gives me, especially as I am returning to graphics work after a long hiatus, and need something which can showcase my work.

    However, I have some issues hope I can get a little help with?

    * First of all, is there a way to get rid of only the border around the text, but keeping the outline around the tabs? Setting it to white in Style just removes it all together, and I like the clean look of the non-tabbed text, but in some cases, I really need to use tabs.

    I am not sure how to define the custom CSS here…

    * How do I set specific grid settings for i.e the tutorial page?

    I could not get a grid to show with taxonomy-specific settings on a specific page and Blog settings set to single author, small preview in General settings. (Tested on Opera, Chrome, FireFox and MSIE). This is important to me, as I want different sections to have a different layout. (tutorials as a grid, articles as grid, other blogposts as single author, small preview). I tried to do this by adding a blog-grid to my tutorials and articles page, in the assumption they’d override the default, and then defining content from my defined taxonomy-settings, 2×6 and page numbering, but no luck, it stuck to the single author, small preview settings, and only shows as a grid when I set it in general settings – I am sure this is an error somewhere, either on my side or in the template, I am just not sure which one it is :) .


    * In addition, is there a way to define custom text for tabbed textblocks to show on the section’s main page? No biggie, as I can’t do this in Slide either, bit the theme has so many seeming goodies, I thought I’d ask :)

    Thanks for any feedback :)



    I’ve been doing some more digging into the whats and whys my issues with grids and tabbed text in connection with the general and advanced template layout, as I see my earlier post has yet to receive a response.

    First of all – I cannot seem to get separate page layouts no matter how I try. by that, I mean setting up the blog as default, and then second and third pages to show taxonomy based content in a grid form

    If this is as intended, the phrasing in the manual should reflect this. Please clarify.

    Secondly – if you use tabbed text, chances are the entire text will show – Excerpt/Excerpt Read More seem buggy.

    I am editing the pages in opera and testing the refreshes in Chrome and MSIE, so it’s not a caching or updating issue on my end

    As an addendum – I rolled back to the earlier version – the container-size adjustments made my text look worse.




    I imported the sample data – I have the same issues when using the demopages as well.

    I’ve picked up another, similar theme, (Enigmatic) and reset the db to see if I get the same hassle, so please don’t think I am asking questions about the wrong theme, or that I am fussing aboout the wrong data :)



    1) You can reomve the border with following code – insert it into the quick css field

    .js_active .active_tab_content {
    border: none !important;

    2) If you want to set a grid for all taxonomy archive pages I’d suggest to modify archive.php a bit – open up the file and replace:

    if(avia_get_option('blog_style','multi-big') == 'blog-grid')


    if( (avia_get_option('blog_style','multi-big') == 'blog-grid') || is_tax() )

    3) I’m not sure if I understand the question but yes – you can use an “Advanced Layout” for the front page. Then add the “Tab” element/shortcode to it and insert your custom text into the tabs.

    4) Excerpt/Excerpt Read More seem buggy – we’re not always using the_excerpt() function but we also use the_content(). In this case you can’t use the excerpt field but you need to use the read more quicktag: , to split your content into an excerpt and full version.


    Thanks so much – this definitely helps, and your earlier tip about memory in another post really helped me along, and it’s looking awesome right now :)


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