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  • #1437239

    I’m working on a new project based on Enfold. I need a YITH’s plugin (Product Add-ons & Extra Options) to add a numeric attribute field on the product page.
    The field is an input number field with plus and minus functionality.
    You can see how it should like here: correct
    It works with every theme I had the chance to test, except with Enfold.
    With Enfold it looks like this: incorrect

    The page is here: product page

    How I can fix it?

    • This topic was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Paolo.
    • This topic was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Paolo.

    Hey marxsvjetlana64,
    Thank you for your patience, the YITH plugin doesn’t work with Enfold because the plugin doesn’t seem to provide correct css to work with our page structure, I tried examining the css but it is just too big of a job to make it work with Enfold, and we are limited to providing support for third party plugins.
    If you really want this to work you could probably hire a freelancer on Upwork to rewite the css for you.

    Best regards,


    Hi, thank you.
    I asked to YITH. They helped me with this custom function:

    if ( ! function_exists( 'yith_wapo_custom_set_number_addon_step' ) ) {
    	add_filter( 'yith_wapo_default_addon_number_step', 'yith_wapo_custom_set_number_addon_step', 99 );
    	function yith_wapo_custom_set_number_addon_step() {
    		return 1;

    This does the trick.



    Great, I’m glad that the plugin developers could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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