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  • #24113

    Hi, I’ve activated some extra plugins, such as the WP Event Calendar at CodeCanyon:

    It seems this adds a shortcode to the editor so I can place it anywhere in the page, yet I still only see the Enfold standard shortcodes. Is there a way to make them visible, or will it just never work?

    I really need to add such plugins to my site.


    You should provide more infos on your prob and maybe a screenshot… :)

    Please deaktivate any Plugin and try to use this one:

    Have a look to your dashboard and also your footer (backend) – it will show you the available memory there. You are probably running low on PHP memory…



    What do you mean it’s not visible? You can paste the plugin shortcode on the Visual editor of the page.




    Thanks for the replies.

    – Not the memory: 53.83 MB of 256.00 MB ~ 21.03 %

    – With not visible I mean there is no option to add the third party info in my editor. The shortcodes icon on the left of the wysiwyg shows only the preset shortcodes of the Enfold theme itself, but not the new shortcode for the event calendar plugin. There should be an option there to add calendar info. I suppose new buttons won’t be visible in this theme and I will always need to add the script-shortcode in the default editor manually?



    Please switch to twentytwelve theme, see if the shortcode generator for the plugin is working.



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