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  • #1478640

    Hi, I bought the Enfold theme for the third time and the new Envato token creation system seems to be causing problems. I’ve just installed Enfold on my new site via Envato account and I get this message:
    La dernière fois que nous avons vérifié votre jeton Envato nous n’avons pas pu nous y connecter :

    L’accès aux achats n’a pu avoir lieu
    Le nom d’utilisateur n’a pu être trouvé (requis pour votre information seulement)
    Impossible d’accéder à l’E-Mail (requis uniquement pour votre information)
    Les erreurs suivantes sont survenues :

    Achats : Erreur de code 403 retournée par Envato : Forbidden:
    – reason: invalid-token
    username Erreur de code 403 retournée par Envato : Forbidden:
    – reason: invalid-token
    email Erreur de code 403 retournée par Envato : Forbidden:
    – reason: invalid-token
    Achats : un pb. a eu lieu pour accéder à vos achats. Mises à jour impossible.


    Hey Jean,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you generate a private token? Please try to generate the token again and make sure that the required permissions are enabled.

    — View and search Envato sites (checked by default) (Required)
    — View the user’s Envato Account username
    — View the user’s email address
    — View the user’s account profile details
    — Download the user’s purchased items (Required)
    — Verify purchases of the user’s items
    — List purchases the user has made (Required)

    Please review this doc for more info:

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the update. I would suggest that you try to go over the documentation again to see if maybe you have missed something. If you should need further help with this, then please reach out directly to Envato support, as it’s their servers which are responsible for this.

    Best regards,


    Hello and thank you for your reply.
    If you haven’t heard yet, Envato just changed the way you create a token a few days ago. They’ve added an input field that “must” correspond to the site on which you validate Enfold, even if it’s not really explicit.



    Thanks for the update and info. Do you have a link where this new procedure is documented?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    You can upload screenshots to a multitude of services online; Dropbox, Google Drive, Imgur, Snipboard are a few of them. You can then link to your screenshots here on the forum.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for that. I might be missing something, but it looks like the options in your screenshot arem the same as in the documentation?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the clarification.

    Best regards,

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