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  • #1444496
    charles GUERRIER

    I would like to know why I can’t have theme support with my account ? I have still plenty of websites using your themes and I still ned it. I don’t understand why I nedd to by new licenses to have support for old websites…


    Hey charles GUERRIER,
    Typically each license includes six months of support in our support forum, unless at the time of purchase you selected to extend this to one year.
    After this time you can go to your Theme Forest account and renew your support. If you have multiple licenses for multiple projects you can register your Purchase Code here and create an account for the licenses that still have available support time. Unfortunately we don’t have a way to register multiple purchase codes under the same support account, so just create a different account for each one. You can always go to your Theme Forest account and renew your support.

    Best regards,

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