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  • #667508

    I’m trying to update my client’s website by adding some custom code (very minimal) to a couple of the pages. I’ve installed the Custom CSS/JS plugin that is supposed to be an “install, code, and done!” type of plugin, but it’s not working. I’ve also tried putting custom code in for each page, but it’s not recognizing any of it, and it’s simple changes that should not take so much effort to make. For example, on one of the pages, I’ve inserted a table, which is now showing with a border. Despite many attempts by myself and the WP Engine techs (two different ones), we could not get the code to be recognized to remove the border. I’ve also had line spacing issues (too much space between the sections), as well as issues with inserting social media icons with the ‘Download App’ button at the top right below the menu so that it appears with the menu on every page – can’t get either of these to work and from what I’m seeing and from what the techs at WP Engine are telling me – Enfold is a very stubborn theme to try to customize. I’ve managed WP websites previously without any issue, so I’m not sure what to do to get this to work.

    Please help/advise? I need to get this done for my client and I’m being blocked at every turn. Thanks!


    Hi liszadarling!

    Please try in Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling instead. If that doesn’t work then post some of the CSS you are trying and admin login details in private and we’ll have a closer look at it.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard! I appreciate it. I need to be able to do both CSS and Javascript, and I have specific code I want to do. It appears that Enfold is quite problematic given the number of comments on the forum compared to the other themes. I will try your suggestion, but if I can’t get the customized coding to work (which is not that much and simple), then I’ve already spoken to my client about switching to another theme that will allow customization without the headaches I’ve already been dealing with in the Enfold theme.

    Thanks so much.



    It would be improper to say a theme is problematic depending on the number of tickets. There are a lot of reasons people open new tickets and it ranges from customisation, techinical issue to collaboration, partnership offers to appreciation and many more.

    For any theme it will take a little bit of getting use to the class names and the way the theme works which will help you in the long run. For any kind of customisation we recommend using a child theme

    Let us know if you have any questions.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Vinay.

    Thanks for the info and link, I appreciate it. I don’t agree; I’ve read many of the posts and seeing others’ comments that mirror my dissatisfaction. I’ve worked with many other WP themes that I’ve customized without issue. I’ve never had so many issues in trying to customize coding without having to go to extra lengths or creating a child theme. I’ll see if the Quick CSS works and if not, I’ll try child theme, but then we’re moving on if neither of these works. Thanks again.



    Creating a child theme is the first step to any customisation since your edits will be overwritten on updates otherwise, but since you manage a lot of WordPress sites I guess you knew that already. Please try the child theme approach and let us know how you get on with it.



    As I’ve already stated, Rikard, I’ve managed other WP websites in my previous job. None of them had the Enfold theme, and none them required me to create a child theme just to customize the code. So not sure why you would state that I already knew that when I’ve personally never experienced having to do that with any themes I’ve worked on or managed. I’m old school; I prefer to code in Dreamweaver, but since I have to code in the WP platform, I’m not wild about the amount of time Enfold is taking from me just to do the simple things I’ve done with other themes without an issue. Hopefully that clears things up for you on the trouble I’ve been having. No need to respond. I’ll try your suggestions in the next few days and see what happens. Thanks.



    Ok, thanks for the feedback. But what I previously stated is true; you should try to always create a child theme before doing edits since you will lose them on updates otherwise. Not sure if the other themes you have edited are not being updated on a regular basis, but premium themes like Enfold are, and that is why creating a child theme is probably the first thing you should do if you want to alter the theme in any way.

    Let us know how you get on if you should need any further help.

    Edit: you can download a starter child theme here: Downloading and installing it should take you less than 5 minutes.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Rikard.
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