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  • #478357

    My client is loving the Enfold theme, and it’s the only one I find myself using these days because it’s the BEST one on the market. Here is the problem. http://themecheck.org gives it a validation score of 0 % and the page load speed is 9-12 seconds, way too slow for Google. Seems to have image issues, even though I have made all my images to fit in the full width slider area.

    https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed gives it a score of 48/100
    Here is what they I need to fix:
    Optimize images
    Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
    Reduce server response time
    Consider Fixing:
    Enable compression
    Minify JavaScript
    Minify CSS
    Leverage browser caching
    Minify HTML

    Please, any help is truly grateful, I don’t want to change this theme, or install on client sites, only to piss of Google.



    Hi Joshua!

    You could try using the following plugins to see if you experience any improvement in speed:

    WP Smush:
    W3 Total cache:


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