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  • #1351032

    Hello there,

    we have an enfold installation with child-theme, WPML, WP Rocket and some css in the general styling tab in the theme-options.
    Whenever a new element with a class defined in the css is added, to a site, this css isn’t applied to the new elements, but to the old ones.

    For example we have a class .new-home-button. There is a button with .new-home-button on the site, everthing is fine with that.
    We add 2 new buttons with the same class attached, in the frontend the old buttone with that class has all of this classes css, but the new buttons doesn’t.
    We have to purge the whole rocket-cache to make it work on the frontend for this 2 new buttons.

    IS this a known issue maybe?



    Hi max2consulting,

    If things works as they should after clearing the cache, then you are likely getting cached result prior to that. If you need further help, then please post a link to where we can see the actual problem.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the quick reply,

    But the point is, the stuff which displays false has the class-name with the css behind it as the one, which shows correctly.
    So there is button1 with class “new-home-button” (which shows correctly)
    after adding button2 and button3, with the same class “new-home-button” included, it doesn’t show right.

    But the css for this class is loaded, because else the button1 wouldn’t show correctly

    Sadly I cannot give you a link with the problem, because the site is live and as soon the customer tells us, there is the problem, I reload the whole cache to fix is, because the visitors shouldn’t see a partly broken site.

    But I don’t get, why there is this kind of problem in the first place.



    Thank you for the info.

    Do you actually see the custom class name of the new buttons right after applying it? The HTML compression of the cache plugin is probably enabled, which is why the new class name for the new buttons or elements are not getting applied immediately and the reason why you only see the changes after purging the cache.

    Best regards,



    Yes, the class is applied to the element in frontend. But even when they are beside each other (the old one which works and the new one) the css is different.
    I made some slightly css changes recently and hope, this will fix it, but if not I would provide you a link asap I’ll get the info from our customer, that the button doesn’t work again,



    Thanks for the update, we’ll keep this thread open for you.

    Best regards,

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