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  • #445560

    On my home page at if you scroll down the page you come to Recent posts widget in right hand panel and they’re all in a strange font, in red, instead of in the font used by the rest of the theme. How can i fix this please?


    Hi karennel;
    try to add this code into your custom css file ;

    .widget_recent_entries li a{
    font-style: normal;
    font-family: "Source Code Pro", "Times New Roman", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

    adjust theme as you like

    By the way, this color comes from :
    Dashbord > Theme Options > General Styling > Main Content > Main Content secondary font color


    Thanks, that resolved the colour issue, but the font is still wrong.


    Hi karennel;
    strange, I’ve double checked (on my site and yours too) and it works.


    I just checked on all my different devices and cleared the cache. The font is still incorrect – I inspected the element and it shows in Times New Roman instead of Source Code Pro.


    Hi karennel;
    here is what I see at the page : > Karen’s Blog > Recent Posts
    Css codes


    Yes, I can see it’s using the wrong font and style – it’s using italic georgia instead of normal Source Code Pro. How can I fix it?


    Hi karennel :
    Yes that is :
    /* Fix styling of recent posts widget*/
    .widget_recent_entries li a{
    font-style: normal;
    font-family: “Source Code Pro”, “Times New Roman”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

    But if you let me comment :
    The gradient background color and the color of “hover” state (color: #eb0043;) does not look “clear”



    Please refer to @begrafiks’ post above.

    thanks as always :)



    thanks Begrafiks, I’ve tried that but although the italics slant disappears, the font is still weird and doesn’t look like the body text which should be Source Code Pro font size 15px.

    I agree on the ‘hover’ state not looking good – how can I change that to just bold the text instead of changing it to red?



    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    .widget_recent_entries li a { font-family: inherit!important; font-size: inherit!important; font-style:inherit!important; color: inherit!important; }



    Hi, I just tried that but it doesn’t make any difference.



    I just inspected your recent posts widget and it’s using Source Sans Pro, could you try to flush your browser cache and reload a few times. If that doesn’t help please provide us with a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end.


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