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  • #1427778

    we´ve recently run into a conflict with the plugin Foo Bookings. It appears to be a conflict with Enfold because when I switched themes on advice of the plugin developer, the problem was resolved. I also tried deactivating all our usual plugins to make sure there was no conflict here, but this had no effect.

    With Foo Bookings you can add dates to a product so that the customer can choose his prefered date on the frontend of the product page. Foo has recently added a pop up window to this function in the backend: To add new dates you click on the button “Add dates” and then the pop up is displayed. Unfortunately the window is all greyed out and it isn´t possible to enter any data. You have to click on escape to make the window disappear again. When I switched to the theme WP 2024 the pop up window was no longer greyed out.

    I´d be really grateful if you could take a look at this and give me some advice.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Best regards,


    Hey sarawh,
    Thank you for your patience and the link to your product page, I tried adding a date and I was taken to the check out, so I assume that I need to make a change in the backend to see the popup, but I couldn’t find the setting. Please set the setting so we can see the popup and perhaps help.
    perhaps a screenshot of the setting would help. Thank you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    So sorry, I must have missed your reply in my mails and was still waiting. In the meantime Foo has been able to offer a solution (they had another Enfold client with the same problem) and I´m posting it here in case anyone else needs it.

    It turned out that Enfold is simply adding a specific CSS style that is moving the overlay to the front instead of behind the Booking Date Wizard popup. This means that you can’t interact with the popup/modal window. Foo was able to fix the issue by adding custom CSS to the site:

    In the theme editor navigate to Enfold > Style CSS > config-templatebuilder > avia-template-builder > assets > css > avia-modal.css and adjust the code on line 983:

    /*legacy thickbox scripts should be displayed above modal window*/

    body #TB_overlay,
    	z-index: 999 !important;

    Alternatively this should work by placing it anywhere in your child theme.

    Best regards,



    Glad to know that the issue has been resolved. Thank you for sharing the solution. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to open another thread.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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